Tavrida Electric | Air Insulated Switchgear


Compliance with IEC 62271-200 to perform safer.

MILE is designed to meet the LSC2B-PM AFLR 31,5kA 1s classification as per IEC 62271-200.
The design is fully type tested to IEC 62271-200. The following type tests have been successfully passed:

  • Short time and peak withstand current on primary circuits
  • Short time and peak withstand current on earthing circuits
  • Temperature rise and main circuit impedance
  • Dielectric test on main and auxiliary circuits
  • Making and breaking capacity of the circuit breaker within the panel
  • Earthing switch making capacity
  • Mechanical operations
  • IP code
  • Internal arc fault (IAC classified: AFLR, 31.5kA/1s)

Exceptional safety

In addition to IEC 62271-200 requirements, the application of a VCB with MAGNETIC ACTUATORS in MILE provides unique and unrivalled safety features such as remote and safe manual closing of VCB with a palm-held manual generator and the fastest arc fault interruption in less than one cycle.

High operational reliability

  • The robust enclosure, made of 2mm corrosive resistant hot-dip galvanised metal sheets with reinforced doors and a safety labyrinth allows fast and simple erection.
  • A rivet nut design provides not only rigidity of construction but also an opportunity to replace metal parts on-site without the use of special tools.
  • An emergency trip push-button is located in the center of the panel. It has a striking, protruding design protected against accidental operation. The trip button can be quickly located in an emergency.
  • Large and clearly visible mechanical position indicators located in view of an operator allows for positive operating status identification of the draw-out unit, VCB and earthing switch. Each mechanical indicator changes its status so that it exactly reflects/corresponds to the status of the switching device. Mechanical position indicators are duplicated by electrical auxiliary contacts to provide electrical signals into secondary circuits.
  • Lockable access to the VCB racking in/out mechanism by a metallic shutter prevents unauthorised operations and interlocks the VCB in the trip position prior to racking a draw-out unit.
  • An LV plug interlock visually prompts an operator to connect the draw-out unit to secondary circuits before the compartment door is closed.
  • Accessories, such as door hinges, handlebars, locks and electrical indicators and buttons withstand thousands of operations and guarantee the appearance of a quality
  • Minimal service checks on site and MILE is designed for a service life of at least 30 years. The VCB, earthing switch and cast resin insulation technology is considered virtually maintenance-free, so the maintenance requirements are only related to periodical checks to ensure the system operates correctly.

Greater Application Versatility

  • Common design platform for 12, 17,5 and 24kV panels.
  • Cassette and truck versions are available.
  • Front or Front and Rear accessibility to the cable compartment
  • Two sets of CTs and VT cassette placed in VCB or cable compartments.
  • Panel width can be 600, 750 or 1000mm.

General Transformer Range

Distribution Liquid l Distribution Cast Resin l Medium Power l Power l Earthing l Rectifier l Motor Start l Phase Shift l Generator l Voltage Regulating l Auto l Multi-Tap ESP l Reactors l Solar l Wind Turbine l Furnace l Dual Ratio

Delivering Network Resilience and Reliability